
Woman sitting outside

What You Need to Learn About Breast Augmentation in Your 40s

It might not seem like it, but plenty of women undergo breast augmentation in their 40s. If you're in your 40s and considering breast augmentation, then you’re probably wizened and ready for a new change. Don’t think of it as if it’s a matter of being to...

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Dr. Zeidler sitting on man

This Sweatember, Sweat It All Out!

Who's ready to sweat? Now that the dog days of summer have officially come to an end, and fall is quickly approaching, you may be searching for different ways to relax, catch your breath, and enjoy the change-in-season.But we’re not going to let you!If exercising i...

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Lift Your Way Through Fall

It's unfortunate but true: You can work out on a daily basis, watch every single calorie you put into your body, and still have stubborn pockets of fat that just won’t budge. Fair? No. Reality? Yes.This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t workout. The first...

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Can You CycleBar?

Fall is almost here, meaning you may have trouble staying fit and healthy, as schedules become packed with practices, sporting events, and parent/teacher meetings. After all, getting into a “back to school” routine is hard enough, but “back to the gym?”...

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Dr. Zeidler

Are You Ready for Sweatember?

It's hard to believe that summer has not only come, but now, is officially almost over. Where does the time go? Yet, it’s important to remember: Just because fall is quickly approaching, doesn’t mean it’s okay to forgo those healthy habits you’ve b...

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What You Need to Know About Breast Augmentation in Your 30s

Are you in your 30s and thinking about breast augmentation? Lucky for you, your 30s is an optimal time for breast enhancement; you're more confident, you’ve probably settled into a career, and you know yourself more than ever. If you’re curious about what havi...

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What You Need to Know About Breast Augmentation in Your 20s

Almost a third of all breast augmentation patients get them during their 20s. It makes sense; after all, your 20s is such crucial time in your life. It's when you find yourself and experience major life events for the very first time. It’s also the perfect time to r...

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Rhinoplasty with power tools

Rhinoplasty The Advantages of Using Power Tools

We use high-frequency Piezoelectric tools, which provide the following benefits:shapes the bones of your nose preciselythins and reshapes cartilage easilyleaves surrounding tissue untouchedreduces tissue traumadecreases bruisingspeeds recovery...

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Planning the Perfect Wedding Around Los Gatos

Planning a wedding is both fun and a little stressful! From picking the cake, the venue, the dress to even the littlest details, a lot goes into putting together your big day. Luckily, Aesthetx created a list of places in and around Los Gatos that can help take a little of the...

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Woman with her hair pulled back

Juvéderm® or BOTOX®: Which Injectable is Right for Me?

Okay, you have started the fight against age. You notice lines and wrinkles emerge on your face – and you don’t like it! You know there are procedures out there to restore and preserve your youthful appearance, but are a little confused with what does what. You’re not alone...

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