

Hot Spots for Pilates + Yoga Around Los Gatos

Whether you prefer mindful yoga classes or strengthening Pilates classes, having a consistent fitness routine is important in maintaining overall health and wellness. Aesthetx compiled the below list of hot spots for Pilates and yoga around Los Gatos. Be sure to chec...

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BBM 2017

Dr. Zeidler Heads to Spain for Barcelona Breast Meeting 2017

As a thought-leader in the world of breast surgery, Dr. Kamakshi Zeidler has traveled the world to spread her expertise in new techniques for cosmetic and reconstructive breast procedures. Just recently, Dr. Zeidler delivered a series of lectures for the most renowned physician...

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Woman touching her stomach

Fall in Love with Your Figure This Valentine’s Day, With CoolSculpting

This Valentine's Day, don’t wait for someone else to give you the perfect gift. Take charge and celebrate this holiday as an ode to self-care and self-love. It might seem like you can’t give yourself the gift of confidence, but with a body-contouring procedur...

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