
Woman with baby

Tips for a Faster Recovery After Mommy Makeover

If you've taken the plunge and booked your Mommy Makeover at Aesthetx, you might have begun planning your new, figure-flattering wardrobe already. Our patients are excited to get back to the gym, the beach, and everywhere feeling slimmer and more confident about their sha...

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Woman in bathing suit

How Long do Breast Implants Last Before They Must Be Redone?

At Aesthetx, we understand that women who choose breast augmentation often have questions about maintenance, changes, or long-term health. The way a woman feels about her body can influence self-esteem and her outlook on life. We want you to feel confident and love your breast a...

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Side by side comparison of woman's abdomen

Three Contouring Methods to Declare your Independence from a Post-Baby Body

If you follow Instagram and Hollywood celebrities, you may have the impression that women always bounce back to their pre-baby shape after childbirth. The reality couldn't be more different.The female body undergoes tremendous changes to accommodate a growing baby and giv...

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Woman with red nails and lipstick

Treat Yourself to the Best Lip Enhancement Treatment for You

Dermal fillers gained much of their popularity in the last decade thanks to lip filler and the poutier, fuller lip trends seen among influencers. Today, all shapes, sizes, and styles of lip enhancement are in vogue, with a much broader spectrum of subtle improvements available...

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The Facts About Fillers and the COVID Vaccine

  There has been much discussion about the potential side effects of the new coronavirus vaccines. This has received a lot of coverage: facial swelling in 3 participants with cosmetic filler after receiving the Moderna trial vaccination. All resolved without serious har...

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Ad for rhinoplasty

Interested in Rhinoplasty?

Please call (408) 559-7177 or contact us online to schedule your consultation!...

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Woman in a red dress

6 Questions You Have About Labiaplasty

At Aesthetx, we celebrate the beautiful diversity of women's bodies and their agency to change and enhance the aspects they wish to.Labiaplasty has surged in popularity because though it’s a relatively simple procedure, the results can positively impact confidence a...

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Woman wearing a white tank top

What Can Be Done About Uneven Breasts

It's true; some women have breasts that are not equal in size and shape. However, when this asymmetry is apparent, women often seek a surgical solution to address this cosmetic concern. Although some women choose to correct the problem with padding on one side and not the...

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Woman lying down

How to Sleep After a Tummy Tuck and Lipo

A critical phase for any successful surgery is its recovery when patients must allow their body the rest and sleep necessary to heal. All surgical procedures involve incisions, which is a controlled wound to give your surgeon access to the area which needs correction. It is dur...

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Woman around a bunch of flowers

4 Issues a Neck Lift can Address

The neck is a critical area for aesthetic treatments and cosmetic surgery. That's because both men and women notice signs of aging creeping up on this delicate skin in midlife.Whether it’s neck rings and wrinkles, unwanted fat deposits, or the dreaded “turkey...

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