
woman with brown wavy hair

The Most Effective Non-Surgical Body Contouring Procedures

Due to aging, weight fluctuations, or pregnancy, different areas in your body can lose their shape. These changes may not only affect your otherwise youthful appearance, but also lead to a lack of self-confidence. Surgeries such as liposuction or tummy tuck in San Jose, Ca...

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Woman smiling

How a Fat Transfer Can Help You Look Younger

Facial fat transfer procedures are taking over some traditional anti-aging treatments. Long-lasting results mean fat grafting achieves what dermal fillers alone can't. This facial sculpting technique also boasts a rapid recovery and scar-free results!Did you know that fa...

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Woman in beige underwear

What Body Contouring Procedures Are Trending Right Now

Body Contouring is an umbrella term that encompasses surgical and some non-surgical cosmetic treatments. If you find that your breasts, tummy, waist, or thighs have changed over the years, you may be seeking more information about body contouring.Typically, these procedures ar...

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Woman touching her stomach

The Best Procedures For Addressing Stubborn Fat

Despite our best efforts to lose weight through diet and exercise, many of us still have “problem areas,” or pockets of fat that just won’t seem to go away. In fact, even if you are at your ideal weight, you may still have some unsightly bulges in areas such as the abdomen...

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Woman at the beach

Eliminate Banana Rolls This Summer With These 3 Options!

With summer in full swing, many of us are spending more time in our bathing suits and are noticing new bulges on our bodies that may have not been there before.  Hear from industry experts at Aesthetx, Dr. Zeidler and Dr. Hausauer, about some of the latest ways to e...

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Woman at a pool

Why is Belly Fat So Stubborn?

We know how much work you must put in to lose weight. Consistent effort and healthy habits are essential to getting great results, and your daily food choices and exercise routines contribute to fat loss.  If you have worked hard to become close to or at your target weight...

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Woman in white bra

Why is PureGraft the Key to Better Fat Grafting Results?

Fat grafting is a surgical procedure that transfers fat from one area of the body to another. By using the fat that comes from your body to re-build soft tissue volume in another area, you can enjoy natural-looking results. There are three general steps to fat grafting: har...

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