
Woman with her arms up

No Sweat, No Stress: Treat Excessive Sweating with MiraDry

If you suffer from excessively sweaty underarms, you are not alone! Roughly 37 million Americans experience excessive underarm perspiration.   When you sweat heavily from your underarms, you may feel self-conscious and unable to move freely in social situations. Embarrassing...

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Woman taking off her sweater

Don’t Sweat the Summer Heat with MiraDry

Summer is just around the corner, which means your weekends are going to be packed with beach trips, backyard BBQs, and outdoor get-togethers. But the warmer seasons also bring an unfortunate and unpleasant problem: sweating. With MiraDry, you no longer have to worry about...

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Dr. Zeidler sitting on man

This Sweatember, Sweat It All Out!

Who's ready to sweat? Now that the dog days of summer have officially come to an end, and fall is quickly approaching, you may be searching for different ways to relax, catch your breath, and enjoy the change-in-season. But we’re not going to let you! If exercising i...

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Doctor at ceremony

ASAPS Meeting Recap: Aesthetx

Dr. Zeidler and Dr. Berkowitz recently attended the ASAPS meeting in sunny San Diego, and as always, both doctors enjoyed catching up with colleagues, checking out the newest technologies, and having some top-secret meetings about yet-to-be-revealed industry developments. Dr. Z...

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Woman with her arms up

Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff – MiraDry to the Rescue!

Excessive underarm sweating is a self-fulfilling prophecy; you worry and stress about sweating too much, which in turn causes you to sweat too much! It might seem like an endless, unsolvable problem, one that makes it difficult for you to feel confident and comfortable in y...

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