
Woman smiling

Reverse Summer Sun Damage with BBL Photofacial

As summer winds down, your skin is likely in need of some extra attention and pampering. While it’s hard not to enjoy long summer days in the sun, overexposure to ultraviolet rays can cause sun spots, hyperpigmentation, and other unwanted skin changes. The good news is t...

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What is Sclerotherapy?

Love your legs again with Sclerotherapy! At Aesthetx, we offer Sclerotherapy treatments to help you regain your confidence in anything you choose to wear. This treatment works by applying a solution to your problem areas that cause the veins to scar and blood to be rerouted to...

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Woman with her hair pulled back

Juvéderm® or BOTOX®: Which Injectable is Right for Me?

Okay, you have started the fight against age. You notice lines and wrinkles emerge on your face – and you don’t like it! You know there are procedures out there to restore and preserve your youthful appearance, but are a little confused with what does what. You’re not alone...

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