
woman with very short curly brown hair

Top Non-Surgical Procedures During the Holidays

The holidays bring about a time of joy and togetherness like nothing else does. As you prepare to go to holiday parties, hang out with loved ones, or host celebrations of your own, the desire to look your best can nag at the back of your mind. If you continue to feel insec...

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Woman getting injectable treatment

3 Non-Surgical Ways to Rejuvenate the Face

There is more than one treatment for women and men concerned about premature aging or for those individuals who wish to turn the clock back to their youthful beauty. But what if you are averse to surgery at this time? Aesthetx Plastic Surgery and Dermatology offers an array of n...

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Person's hands

Tips for Managing Dry Skin from Frequent Hand Washing and Sanitizing

Washing your hands is more important than ever. According to the CDC, regularly scrubbing your hands for 20 seconds is the best way to defend ourselves and loved ones from the novel coronavirus. If you're just washing away all day long, though, your skin’s far more l...

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Woman sitting down outside

Hit Rewind With This Foolproof Anti-Aging Skincare Regimen

We all age, it's that simple. But how we age? That’s up to us. Today, thanks to modern advances in cosmetic medicine and a much deeper understanding of the factors that go into cellular aging, we have more power than ever to maintain youthful, gorgeous skin.The...

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Woman wearing red lipstick

Fact or Fiction: BOTOX® Myths

BOTOX is the number one anti-aging treatment in the world. With over 7 million Americans benefiting from this groundbreaking procedure every year, its no surprise that there's a lot of false information floating around about exactly what BOTOX is, how it works, and what...

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Man holding his pregnant wife's stomach

Skincare While Pregnant: What’s Safe for Your Face and Body

Pregnancy is nothing if not full of surprises. Even if you've had kids before, each pregnancy comes with its own distinctive mix of hormonal shifts and bodily changes. Many of our pregnant clients come to us looking for advice on how to handle these delicate skincare...

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Woman wearing a sweater

How Winter Laser Skin Resurfacing Prepares Your Complexion for Summer Fun

There's no shortage of fun summer opportunities in California, whether you’re enjoying a sailboat, a trip to the beach, or a day on the golf course. As we plod through the winter months in Silicon Valley, the cooler temperatures may bring us an opportunity to help ou...

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Woman with red lipstick

How to Get Your Prettiest Pout in Time for Valentine’s Day

Now that the Christmas bustle is over, it's time to think about yourself. There’s another holiday on the horizon, and this one is about romance. A nice dinner, perhaps some chocolate or a card is something to expect from that special someone in your life. But how can...

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