
patient results

Plastic Surgery Options for Younger-Looking Skin

There are multiple plastic surgeries on the rise to effectively use as anti-aging treatments for the skin. With advanced techniques, Aesthetx in Campbell, CA, transforms sunken, wrinkled skin into a plump, youthful complexion. Here are our most popular surgical procedures we of...

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women's bodies with outlines on them

Popular Plastic Surgery Procedures Making a Comeback

With the decline in COVID-19 cases thanks to vaccinations and masks, clinics have opened back up and social media is booming with new trends and information. As a result plastic surgery procedures are becoming more popular than ever. From non-invasive procedures to enhancements...

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Woman's side profile

5 Common Nose Shape Concerns Rhinoplasty Can Resolve

Noses come in all sizes and shapes. As your face’s most prominent feature, the ideal nose should bring balance and harmony to facial contours. However, if your nose is asymmetrical, too small or too large, or has other cosmetic issues, you may be self-conscious about it. pe...

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Woman in white top and white shorts

Maximizing Recovery Time and Results by Combining Plastic Surgery Procedures

Many of our patients who want more than one cosmetic procedure will consider combining plastic surgeries and having them done at the same time. After all, combining surgeries is an excellent option to achieve your desired results, while being cost-effective and maximizing y...

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Woman in white bathing suit

Beauty Treatments for All Your Summer Events

Summertime is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful times of the year. The sun is shining, the weather is warm, the beaches are full, and it’s time for vacations and drinks by the pool. In the months leading up to summer and even the beginning of summer itself, people are...

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Woman in bra

When is the best time for Cosmetic Surgery? – Planning Your Surgery Date

The idea of choosing the most fashionable time to have surgery performed may seem strange at first glance, but when it comes to plastic surgery, timing can be extremely important. After a cosmetic procedure, the healing period can last anywhere from a few weeks to a month...

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Dr. Zeidler and Dr. Hausauer

Dr. Hausauer and Dr. Zeidler Spoke to Haute Beauty about Combining Plastic Surgery with Dermatology

Both plastic surgery and dermatology can help men and women look and feel their best, which is why the experts at Aesthetx decided to blend these two fields when opening their practice. Among many other benefits, patients have the advantage of a truly comprehensive approach wh...

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Woman taking off her sweater

Don’t Sweat the Summer Heat with MiraDry

Summer is just around the corner, which means your weekends are going to be packed with beach trips, backyard BBQs, and outdoor get-togethers. But the warmer seasons also bring an unfortunate and unpleasant problem: sweating. With MiraDry, you no longer have to worry about...

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Advertisement for vaginal rejuvenation

Considering Vaginal Rejuvenation? Attend the Women’s Sexual Health Open House at Aesthetx to Learn More!

Often times, matters involving women's sexual health and well-being aren’t spoken about candidly. These two subjects play an important role for a woman’s happiness and outlook, which is why Aesthetx is dedicated to helping women reclaim their femi...

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Article about Aesthetx

Aesthetx Featured in Article for Bay Area Publications

In new a feature article titled “Aesthetx: Silicon Valley's Premier Plastic Surgery and Dermatology Practice,” writer Debbie Guadan highlights how Aesthetx brings the Silicon Valley spirit of innovation and ingenuity to cosmetic treatments. Summary...

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