
Woman wearing a sunhat

6 Ways to Revamp Your Skin care Routine for the Bay Area’s Dry Summers

Our golden summer days in the Bay Area put a pep in your step. But with all this time we spend in the sun, the ultraviolet radiation, heat and dry air can ravage our skin if we’re not careful. It may be confusing to determine what skin care practices are best for you. Her...

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Woman looking up

The Best Cosmetic Procedures for a Sagging Neck

For the majority of people, there is simply no avoiding the effects of aging. Time takes its toll, and while we can fend it off for as long as we can, there is ultimately very little we can do to halt its progress. One of the less-desirable effects is a sagging neck, someti...

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Bride and groom

Hear Wedding Bells? When You Should Start Cosmetic Treatments Before Your Wedding

You want to look and feel your best on your wedding day, and you will likely be busy with preparations for months before the date.  When you’re planning your wedding, don’t forget cosmetic treatments in your timeline. Whether you’d like to have laser skin treatments, clinic...

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Woman outside

The Importance of Scheduling an Annual Skin Check

Did you know that skin cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer among adults in the United States? Your risk of getting skin cancer increases as you age, especially if you have light or fair skin and a history of sun exposure.  Roughly 20% of Americans will get skin can...

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Woman applying sun protection

Protect Your Skin this Summer with these Tips

With summer in full swing, it’s impossible not to soak up some sun. But, without properly protecting your skin from harmful ultraviolet rays, there’s a risk of developing uneven pigmentation, wrinkles, and even, skin cancer. Dermatology fact: tanning is your skin’s way of t...

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