Even when you have a cheerful personality that can light up any room, having frown lines can instantly suck the joy out of your appearance. Whether you are tired of looking perpetually angry, sad, or exhausted due to your frown lines, getting the revolutionary DAXXIFY™ treatment can help you resolve all these concerns.
DAXXIFY™ In San Jose, CA
DAXXIFY™ is a neuromodulator that is FDA-approved for the treatment of frown lines. Using the purified form of botulinum toxin type A, a safe and effective substance that is used in popular wrinkle treatments, DAXXIFY™ injections prohibit muscular activity in the area of concern. This reduces wrinkles and creases such as frown lines that form due to continuous muscle contractions and movements.
This may sound like many other botulinum toxin neuromodulators such as BOTOX® and Xeomin® that essentially perform the same function. But DAXXIFY™ stands out of these popular treatments due to its composition.
Instead of using human serum albumin (HSA) to stabilize botulinum toxin type A like other neuromodulators, DAXXIFY™ uses Peptide Exchange Technology™ (PXT). Through PXT, botulinum toxin type A can bind more effectively to its target area and maximize its efficiency. In turn, your results from a DAXXIFY™ treatment last longer than other muscle relaxers.
You can see your DAXXIFY™ results in as little as 2 weeks from the treatment, where your frown lines essentially disappear for you to boast of a smooth and glowing forehead profile. Your results can last from 6-9 months, which makes DAXXIFY™ a highly effective solution for the treatment of unwanted frown lines and wrinkles.